Monday, 17 October 2011

Day One - Give it a grow!

Okay, so by the look on my flatmate's face as he read through this week’s shopping list, I haven't quite convinced him... But the purpose of this week is not to convert the world to some radical new regime. It’s simple; think outside the shopping trolley!

Oxfam do some amazing work across the world which offers help to those most vulnerable after a crisis, enables people to build a sustainable livelihood and campaigns for a compassionate and just future. The most recent of such campaigns is called GROW. It focuses on the ever unavoidable question of world hunger and highlights the following four area's as the main issues

  • Land grabs
  • Food prices
  • Climate change
  • Loss of small scale agriculture

Now, STAY CALM. This is not as scary as it seems... not for you anyway. The issues are remarkably easy to understand, but the way they interact with each other and the hugely changeable world in which we live is complex meaning there is no simple answer. In order to make this all a bit easier to digest (excuse the pun), I am going to explain one of these issues each day in my blog as I negotiate my way through a week’s ethical eating.

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